Looks like they have some good 'new' for us soon |
Most of the users who have recently updated their
CleanMaster app are getting Root Access Failed error while using the Autostart Manager feature. The Autostart Manager is supposed to save precious amount of system storage by stopping apps that start automatically in the background. When you enable this feature you are asked to grant Superuser permission to CleanMaster but even after giving the root access a “failed to grant root” error pops up, which asks you to go to Superuser and again grant permission to CleanMaster. Basically you’re stuck in a loop every time you’re trying to use Autostart Manager. This issue has already been acknowledged as a bug by CleanMaster, on their Google+ page, and they’ve promised some solution in the upcoming 5.9.9 update. Until then you can try some possible fixes for CleanMaster Autostart Manager failed to grant root recommended by various forums:

- Open Google Play Store >> Search “SuperSU” >> Install Update if its available
- Open the updated SuperSU and grant permission to CleanMaster
- Open Google Play Store >> Search “CleanMaster” >> Install Update if its available
- Open the updated CleanMaster >> Phone Boost >> run AutoStart Manager feature
If nothing works just wait for CleanMaster’s 5.9.9 update where they’ve promised a fix. If you're found any other solution or fix for this issue please let us know about it in the comments.
Update: I changed my custom ROM to Cyanogenmod 11 and now the App Manager seems to be working fine. This may be a ROM incompatibility issue. So, you can try flashing an updated ROM on your device.