IBX5980432E7F390 How to fix error 906 in Google Play Store - Software Azus

How to fix error 906 in Google Play Store

In this post we will read the methods to fix app could not be downloaded due to an error (906) in Google Play Store for Android. The fix for download failed error 906 fix is similar to that of error 963. The common method used to solve fix these error codes is to uninstall Google Play Store updates and clear data of Google Play Services. Some have also resolved this issue by unmounting SD card before downloading an app or game. The step by step instructions on how to fix error 906 in Google Play Store is mentioned below:

How to fix error 906 in Google Play Store [Best Solution]

Method 1: Clearing Cache and Data 
  1. Go to Settings >> Apps >> All >> Scroll down the list and select "Google Play Store"
    • Select "Clear Cache" and "Clear Data"
  2. Similarly, from All >>Screoll down and select "Google Play Services"
    • Select "Clear Cache" and "Clear Data"
  3. Now open Google Play Store and try to update or install the app/game that was initially giving you the error 

Method 2: Unmounting SD Card
  1. Go to Settings >> Storage >> Scroll down and select "Unmount SD Card"
  2. Open Google Play Store and then download or update the app or game
  3. After successful update or installation, go back to Storage  >> Scroll down and "re-mount the SD card"

Method 3: For error 906 during update of apps-games installed in SD Card
  1. Go to Settings >> Apps >> All >> scroll down and select the app (game) that's giving the error 906
  2. Select "Move to internal storage"
  3. Open Google Play Store and run update the app (game)
  4. After successful update, move the app back to SD Card.

Method 4: Uninstalling Google Play Store updates (high success rate)
  1. Go to Settings >> Apps >> Scroll down and select "Google Play Store"
  2. Select "Uninstall Updates"
  3. Optionally, go to settings >> apps >> scroll down and select "Google service framework"
    • Clear Data and Cache
  4. Open Google Play Store and update or download the app (game) that was giving you error 906

Hit the social media buttons if the above solutions fixed Error 906 for your Android device. Let us know if you have any other steps/methods to resolve this Google Play Store error.

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