How to check your laptop battery health in Windows 10
Is your laptop's battery draining faster than normal? For example- your battery used to last 5 hours but now barely an hour. Or,the battery indicator shows sudden or sharp drop in the percentage remaining. Sometimes even new laptop batteries can show such signs. Did you get a faulty battery or an old one with a very low capacity? So how do you check if your battery is in working condition or is it really damaged and needs to be replaced? If you're a Windows user there no need to install a separate program for this because Windows has a simple command that helps you easily check the condition or health status of your laptop's battery.
How to checking laptop battery Condition in Windows 10
- Click Start >> Type CMD in the search bar
After a few minutes the command will generate an energy-report.html file, which will be saved on your desktop. Simply head to desktop and then open that file. The energy report has full information about your Laptop. However, you don't need to go through all of that to check the battery health. Simply scroll down and find a section called "Battery Information". For simplicity press ctrl+F and then type "Battery Information" in the search bar.
The things you should look at are the(Factory) Design capacity and Last Full Charge values. If your Last Full Charge is closer or not very low compared to the Design capacity, then your battery is in good condition/health. However, if its too low then your battery is in poor health and needs to be replaced because it cannot hold charge at its design capacity. For example- in the picture above you can see Design Capacity is 47520 but the Last Full Charge is 2610. This indicates your battery now holds a maximum of only 5.5% charge of the original capacity. This battery barely lasts 15 minutes.