IBX5980432E7F390 How to Install Xposed on ZenFone 3 - Software Azus

How to Install Xposed on ZenFone 3

In the modern age of root customizations, there's no better tool to start with than the Xposed Framework. Created by Rovo89 roughly two years ago, the framework lays the ground upon which "modules" can be applied to tweak various aspects of apps, and even Android's interface. Today zenfoneblog will teach you How to Install Xposed on your ASUS ZenFone 3. Your ZenFone 3 must be rooted to perform this tutorial (Tutorial for root here). Perform Nand backup is recommended before install xposed framework.
Installing Xposed Framework
  1. Download xposed-v87-sdk23-arm64.zip (Download)
  2. Copy to ZenFone 3 Internal Storage/SD Card
  3. Go to TWRP Recovery
  4. Choose install and select xposed-v87-sdk23-arm64.zip
  5. Wait until finish
  6. Reboot
  7. Download and Install Xposed 3.1.1 apk (Download)
  8. Done

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