IBX5980432E7F390 [ROM][Full Firmware] ZenFone 3 Max ZC553KL VoLTE Update - Software Azus

[ROM][Full Firmware] ZenFone 3 Max ZC553KL VoLTE Update

ZENFONE 3 Max ZC553KL firmware: 

  1. WW-

ASUS ZenFone3 Max (ZC553KL) X00DD Software Image Version: For WW SKU only*
Improve Items:

1)Upgrade System UI
2)Improve camera quality 
3)Enable India Volte & SOS call
4)Support exFAT, NTFS 128G SDcard
5)Fix the problem of invalid fingerprint, the fingerprint need to be re recorded after the upgrade.
6)Modify Ram specification

Steps of Update: 
1. Check software version of your device**
2. Only apply to same SKU update, Example: WW->WW, CN->CN, TW->TW.
3. Software update cannot transfer the software SKU and downgrade the software version.
4. Wrong SKU may cause update failure, please update the same SKU version only.
*How to know the device model? 
Path: Settings->About-> Model number
Example: ASUS PadFone2
**How to know the device software version? 
Path: Settings->About-> software information->Build number
Example: CHT_PadFone2-user-
*System upgrade may cause part of data missing, please buckup your important data before system upgrading.
File Size1.63 GB                                                2017.02.09  update
Download fromGlobal

How to OTA update ? (Go to settings>About>System Update>Check for Update

How to update Manual ? Place to Internal Storage>Restart>Click Update
How to update via ADB sideload ? Here 

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