[ROM] Resurrection Remix Nougat 7.0 Asus Zenfone 5 T00J/T00F
Nougat for Zenfon 6,
Nougat for Zenfone T00J/T00F,
Resurrection Remix Nougat Zenfone 5,
Resurrection Remix Zenfone 5,
RR Nougat Zenfone 5
Hey Guys, Recently another developer shared another Nougat ROM for ASUS Zenfone 5 and Zenfone 6. This is more stable and unofficial version of Android 7.0.1 Nougat from minhtri109 and it is based on CM14. This builds create on latest Google Android 7.0.1 source code with Linux 3.10.x kernel. Below you can read working features and bug's. This Resurrection Remix ROM tested with Zenfone 5 T00J/T00F but do it with your own risk and I am not responsible for any damage. If you think there is a bug in this ROM you can check out the Lineage OS on Zenfone 5.
Working Features
What's NOT working
Resurrection Remix Feature's
There is lots of customization available in the RR like Screen dim timeout mode, Dim alpha, Double tap to sleep on the navbar, Navigation Bar left/Right handed mode Switch for landscape, Navbar slim dim, Button customization on navbar tiles, Animate dim, and the last one is my favorite Enable/ or disable nav bar.
TWRP Recovery
Before Installing the Custom ROM on your device. You have to flash custom recovery TWRP Touch Recovery on your Zenfone. If you are already using Custom Recovery Go to next flash step otherwise, please use this tutorial to flash TWRP Recovery on your Zenfone5/6.
Congratulation, Now you can enjoy the Android 7.0.1 Nougat Update on your Zenfone 5. First boot can take up to 5 - 10 Minutes. So, Please do not power off your device in this stage. Once the boot complete it will ask for WiFi or mobile data connection, Google Account etc. Fill all information if you want to access Play Store/ or Gmail Applications on your device. Before you go, You can also check out Lollipop Marshmallow Nougat Custom ROM's List for Zenfone 5. Please share this post and your reviews/ or bug report with our other visitors.
- RR ROM (Download all files from end of post)
- Pico Google Apps for Nougat
Working Features
- WiFi
- Bluetooth
- Camera
- Games
- Play Store
- Internet
- Developer Mode
- Flashlight
What's NOT working
- FM
- Import contacts from SIM card not work
Resurrection Remix Feature's
There is lots of customization available in the RR like Screen dim timeout mode, Dim alpha, Double tap to sleep on the navbar, Navigation Bar left/Right handed mode Switch for landscape, Navbar slim dim, Button customization on navbar tiles, Animate dim, and the last one is my favorite Enable/ or disable nav bar.
TWRP Recovery
Before Installing the Custom ROM on your device. You have to flash custom recovery TWRP Touch Recovery on your Zenfone. If you are already using Custom Recovery Go to next flash step otherwise, please use this tutorial to flash TWRP Recovery on your Zenfone5/6.
How to flash Resurrection Remix Nougat Zenfone
- First, You have to download requirements material for the device from the end of the post.
- Download Pico Gapps for Nougat from here and Choose x86 -> Android 7.0 -> Pico.
- Now, From your PC copy ROM and GApps zip files and paste it in your zenfone internal storage using data cable/ or using wireless application for example: Share-it/ Super Beam.
- Unplug your device from PC and Turn off it.
- Reboot into recovery mode by using the Power + Volume Down button.
- Select Wipe > Advance Wipe > check the data, dalvik cache, catch, system and swipe to wipe it.
- Tap Install and find the ROM zip file and flash it
- Similarly, flash GApps on your device.
- After flashing, you should format old files from in the TWRP.
- Go back and select Wipe > Advance Wipe > check the data, dalvik cache, data, internal storage (optional).
- Now, finally Reboot your device.
Download here
ROM- http://bit.ly/2jMN9j7
Congratulation, Now you can enjoy the Android 7.0.1 Nougat Update on your Zenfone 5. First boot can take up to 5 - 10 Minutes. So, Please do not power off your device in this stage. Once the boot complete it will ask for WiFi or mobile data connection, Google Account etc. Fill all information if you want to access Play Store/ or Gmail Applications on your device. Before you go, You can also check out Lollipop Marshmallow Nougat Custom ROM's List for Zenfone 5. Please share this post and your reviews/ or bug report with our other visitors.